Assessor Setup (User distributes login information to candidates)
When publishing test instances within the Project, no email invites will be sent to candidates. Instead, the Assessor is responsible for distributing login information. This is useful in supervised environments where login details are manually input on the machines, or if the Assessor wishes to email the candidates themselves.
An email of the candidate(s) login details can be sent directly to the selected Assessor(s) upon publication.
Email Assessor(s) the candidate login details on publication.
##insert checkbox##
Select the specific Assessor(s) from the Team to receive the email(s) containing candidate(s) login details.
##insert dropdown list of Users##
Alternatively, Assessors can obtain candidate login details for distribution using these options:
- Download from Publish tab: Download a CSV file with access codes next to the publication record.
- Export from Candidates tab: Select candidates and export their access codes as a CSV.
When publishing test instances within the Project, no email invites will be sent to candidates. Instead, the Assessor is responsible for distributing login information. This is useful in supervised environments where login details are manually input on the machines, or if the Assessor wishes to email the candidates themselves.
Assessors can obtain candidate login details for distribution using these options:
- Download from Publish tab: Download a CSV file with access codes next to the publication record.
- Export from Candidates tab: Select candidates and export their access codes as a CSV.
Alternatively, an email of the candidate(s) login details can be sent directly to the selected Assessor(s) upon publication.
Email Assessor(s) the candidate login details on publication:
##insert checkbox##
Select Assessor(s) to receive the email(s):
##insert dropdown list of Users##