Verification Tests
Helping clients to authenticate online assessment results.
Why would I need a verification test?
The use of online assessments to efficiently evaluate candidates’ skills and abilities has been widely-established. This has facilitated pre-screening and refining a candidate pool for high volume recruitment campaigns as well as automated scoring and generating feedback reports at the touch of a button.
By their very nature online assessments are often administered ‘unsupervised’ and, as such, can pose certain challenges when it comes to authenticating the test-taker’s performance. To help address the matter OPC Assessment have released a number of verification tests through our online testing platform, Candela™.
What is a verification test?
A verification test is a shorter version of the full ‘parent’ test and serves as a follow-up to the original unsupervised assessment. So, if a candidate completes the full ‘parent’ test online and unsupervised, this can then be followed up in a supervised testing session afterwards, either at an assessment centre in person, or an online remote, but still supervised session.
Example: A candidate completes OPC Assessment’s Core Skills Abstract Reasoning Test (CoreA) online at home, unsupervised. They are then invited to attend an assessment centre in person. At the assessment centre the candidate completes the CoreA-Verify (verification test) online whilst under supervision from an assessor. This shorter supervised assessment (CoreA-Verify) allows for verification of the candidate’s original unsupervised parent test (CoreA) assessment score.
How can a candidates’ score be verified?
Similarity between performance on the ‘parent’ test and the verification test can serve as confirmation of a candidate’s ability under supervised conditions, thereby helping to authenticate the unsupervised online assessment result.
OPC Assessment have set up a Verification Report (PDF) that can be generated inside the online testing platform, Candela™. It utilises a verification table for the test to ascertain if a candidate’s performance aligns with expected results or deviates significantly i.e. the test score can be verified or not. Further explanation is provided in the test manual. However, whilst the report provides valuable insights, it is not designed to be definitive. Clients are encouraged to use the verification report as a guidance tool to help make informed decisions.
Which tests currently have a verification (Verify) version available?
OPC Assessment have verification tests available for the following parent tests:
Parent Test | Corresponding Verification Version |
Core Skills Abstract Reasoning Test (CoreA) | CoreA-Verify |
Core Skills Diagrammatic Reasoning Test (CoreD) | CoreD-Verify |
Core Skills Mechanical Reasoning Test (CoreM) | CoreM-Verify |
Core Skills Spatial Reasoning Test (CoreS) | CoreS-Verify |
Rules Acquisition Aptitude Test (RAAT) | RAAT-Verify |
Station Staff Timetable Test (SSTT) | SSTT-Verify |
Ticket Checking Test (TCT) | TCT-Verify |
Ticketing Machine Test (TMT) | TMT-Verify |
Want to know more?
Verification tests can help support the integrity and validity of the assessment process. For clients wishing to find out more, please contact our friendly OPC Assessment team.